Friday Check-in 8/11/17


Monday – I caught up on all the Duolingo that dropped in the last couple of days, and got started on the business module’s vocabulary on Memrise. It’s a little more difficult to do given there’s no audio, but it’s still better than trying to learn it through the Duo lessons.

I need to watch some TV (how often do you hear that as a must do instead of a want?) so that I can check that off the list for this week. I’ve been re-watching Mossad 101 to see how my comprehension is increasing. The answer is slowly, but I’m getting where I can tell when a new sentence starts, which is a nice change from the audio version of a text-wall.

I’ve been looking at Hebrew languages recipes, and I’m pleased to say that I can now make myself hungry in two languages. Mostly it’s the pictures, but I’m still happy with the number of words that I can recognize and the fact that I can, haltingly, read a number of the sentences!

Friday update-

I’ve done fairly well this week. I only had 4 lessons left in Duolingo when this month started, and I finished one of them this week. I’ve been continuing with my recipe searches, most of which I don’t have the ingredients for, unfortunately.

I really think that the cooking is going to be the way forward for me. I need to find a youtube channel for beginning cooks. I think that maybe they’d speak a bit slower to help avoid confusion. I know enough Hebrew to search for it, but I’ve been distracted by other-life things, like having to strip clean the studio that I usually study in. The studio is called that as it houses my yarn, fabric, and my sewing and knitting equipment. I’ve got freaking web-making moth larvae in my studio. I have to wash anything made of fibers of any kind, disinfect anything nonporous, and then treat the carpet. I’m gonna have to move everything out of the room except the big table, so that’s taking up a great deal of my time.

The plan for next week is to finish another Duolingo/Memrise module, and continue with my cooking lessons, such as they are.

Author: kairimorgan

32, female, from alabama. tons of hobbies, lots of interests, and a lot to learn.

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