Friday Check-in 8/4/17

So, I had a big push to get caught up the last week or so of July. I’m paying for that, a bit, in increased numbers of Duolingo reviews coming due at once. My plan for this week was a) win the lottery, b) not lose my mind at work, c) keep on top of Duolingo so that my review numbers go down.

Two out of three ain’t bad. I’m still poor though…

I’ve kept up with my Duolingo, Memrise reviews, and Anki. I’ve done fairly well with my media, though I’m technically behind on podcasts, because I usually listen to them in the car, and I refuse to do so when the weather is nasty as I need to concentrate on driving. And the weather has been very nasty week in and week out down here. It’ll settle down eventually.

I’m currently doing a translation of a crafting blog. I suppose it would be more useful if I actually had any knitting/crochet patterns actually written in Hebrew. So far, the blog is mostly discussing varieties of a particular pattern, color choices, yarn weight, and needle size.

All of these are definitely something I’m interested in, but maybe not terribly useful as far as increasing my Hebrew knowledge. I’m probably better off going for cooking or some such, except that I’m good at knitting and crap at cooking. Maybe I can learn…

Next week, do at least one (and no more than two) Duolingo modules and their corresponding Memrise lessons. And explore for more blogs/youtubers. I think I’ll look into the cooking this time.

Author: kairimorgan

32, female, from alabama. tons of hobbies, lots of interests, and a lot to learn.

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