Language Hacker Challenge, August, 2017

As I’m rapidly running out of Duolingo modules, I need to start planning for the future. Developing an actual strategy will be part of this months goals. I make lists like nobodies business!

  1. Finish Official Memrise (pt 2)
  2. Finish Duolingo (only 4 modules left!)
  3. Figure out a way forward.
  4. Continue consuming media.


So far, my general plan for going forward involves reading blogs and maybe finding some YouTube channels. Eventually, I’ll start talking to natives, but there is little use in that until my active vocabulary gets bigger.

General strategy as it stands, 7/31/17

  • Keep Duolingo lessons gilded.
  • Keep Official Memrise reviewed, look for and maybe start some new courses there
  • Continue building Anki decks that reflect my interests
  • Find blogs that match my Anki decks to practice my new vocab
  • Find youtube channels that match my Anki decks, to practice hearing my new vocab
  • Continue reading baby books, hopefully someday graduating to older child books.
  • Through some mysterious alchemy of time plus effort magically gain the ability to speak in Hebrew.


I’m not entirely certain about that last step, it just seems like it should be in there somewhere…

Author: kairimorgan

32, female, from alabama. tons of hobbies, lots of interests, and a lot to learn.

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