Friday Check-in 7/28/17 / Monthly Review

After a couple of weeks of laziness, I finally got myself caught up and finished my monthly goals.

My goals were:

  • Meet weeklies (5 podcasts, 3 TV shows/1 movie, 4 paragraphs of reading).
  • Finish Memrise through Legends
  • Finish Duolingo through Future Nifal


I managed to get all caught up, and I finished all my stuff with only a few days left in the month. I did pretty good on my weeklies, and I really think that having them set up as weeklies goals instead of dailies really helped me to get them done. I don’t have the time and energy to remember day to day to watch a TV show, make sure I get one podcast in, etc. Having the Habitica counter reset for each one every week and just checking them off the weekly as I finish them is much easier to keep track of.

I’m looking at the end of the Duolingo Hebrew tree. I’m not quite sure what to do after I finish it. I’ll keep reviewing until I start to run out of things to review (the SRS algorithms eventually moves the reviews so far apart that your reviews drop off significantly). Other than that, I suppose building new vocabulary lists and learning those so I can read more stuff might help.

I need to find a list of blogs on different subjects that interest me. And eventually I need to start a blog list of my own writing about similar subjects. I suppose I’ll get going on that as part of my August goals, so that when September rolls around, I’ll be able to just roll on with it.

Author: kairimorgan

32, female, from alabama. tons of hobbies, lots of interests, and a lot to learn.

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